E-news Subscription

E-news Subscription

If you would like to receive news about our upcoming events, please read the “Personal Information Collection Statement”, tick the appropriate box, fill in your email address and choose your preferred language in the appropriate boxes. Please click here for un-subscription.

Personal Information Collection Statement

  1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) intends to use your personal data for direct marketing;
  2. AFCD may NOT so use your personal data unless AFCD has received your consent;
  3. AFCD shall use the following personal data for marketing Animal Management Division’s activities, events and services mentioned in paragraph 4: -
    • your email address
  4. Your personal data will be used for marketing Animal Management Division’s activities, events and services as follows: -
    • Adoption events
    • Competitions
    • Dog training courses
    • Other news
  5. If you consent or do not object to AFCD using your email address for marketing Animal Management Division’s activities, events and services mentioned in paragraph 4, then please tick the appropriate box provided below to indicate your consent. AFCD will continue the same practice of communicating with you unless AFCD receive instructions from you to remove your personal data from AFCD’s database.
  6. You may opt-out from receiving Animal Management Division’s information materials at any time by clicking here to unsubscribe from AFCD’s mailing list and your data will be erased immediately.
  7. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact AFCD through enquiry_amdd@afcd.gov.hk.
  8. You may also access and correct the personal data you submitted through e-news subscription by sending your request to enquiry_amdd@afcd.gov.hk.
  9. Please rest assured that AFCD strictly observes the confidentiality of your personal data. Unless permitted or required by law, AFCD will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your prior consent.


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